Sep 18, 2017
展期 Date | 2017.09.15 - 10.25
(10.07 白晝之夜開放至晚上八點 Nuit Blanche closed in 20:00)
開幕茶會 Reception | 09.16 (Sat.) 3pm
地點 Venue | 尚畫廊 Gallery Sun
臉書活動 Facebook Event |
Location | Gallery Sun
Address | No. 55, Lane 304, Jianguo South Rd. Section 1, Taipei
Opening Hours | Tue - Sat 11:00 - 19:00
Contact | +886-2-2325-7733
策展人 | 王焜生
如果Bebop與Born Slippy都去除掉聲音,只剩下影像,我們心裡的悸動
尚畫廊Gallery Sun 首次的新媒體展覽,由台灣新銳藝術家鄭宇翔從科技業跨行
地址 | 台北市大安區建國南路一段304巷55號
開放時間 | 週二至週六 11:00 - 19:00
聯絡方式 | +886-2-2325-7733
Wild Boy in Twilight — Yu-Hsiang Shawn Cheng Solo Exhibition
Curator | Emerson Wang
Imagine if Bebop were presented through visual sensation, how wild and roaring would the transformation be? By using music as an abstract sculpture media and utilizing light, shadow and modern technology, Taiwanese artist Yu-Hsiang Cheng presents a brand new viewing experience through multiple exposure photography and screen placement. Sound no longer exists, but is replaced with visualization of images. The song "Born Slippy .NUXX" was the soundtrack used toward the end of the 1996 movie Trainspotting, which surprisingly made Underworld a world famous band. This legendary song captured the attention of a group of rock & roll fans where they started to take notice of electronic dance music. In those days, rave scenes, DIY outdoor dance parties, electro music-only dance halls have started to emerge in Taipei, and Yu-Hsiang Cheng was also one of the ardent electro music fans back then. Although the lyrics they sang with the atonal melody had no significant meaning, Underworld attempted to resemble the mumblings of a drunken man. This approach was a downright reflection of the confusion and cynicism that the youth of that generation embraced.
If the sounds of Bebop and Born Slippy were both removed and only the images were retained, how would the throb in our hearts be transformed? The artist uses screens as another type of oil canvas, and through displaying images on LED screens, he allows the paint and water droplets to transform along with finger sliding movements over and over again. Images are reproduced, duplicated and reproduced through multiple exposures. Visual sensation becomes a frenzied freedom in the silent space that liberates souls completely without any vocal stimulus.
For this very first new media exhibition at the Gallery Sun, we proudly represent the artwork of Taiwanese cutting edge artist Yu-Hsiang Cheng, who is showcasing his artwork for the first time at a commercial art gallery since his career switch from the tech industry. This is also the first Star Project exhibition, Gallery Sun's new exhibition series to support cutting-edge artists and cross-domain exhibitions.
The exhibition space consists of three segments that unfold with the display of "How to play like John Coltrane?" artworks on three LED screens, where the artworks maneuver and fluctuate like the structure of musical tones. The second exhibition space displays seven pieces installation art that resemble a treasure chest or kaleidoscope to allow audiences to engage in private visual exploration in a public space. The third exhibition space is covered with total darkness and the images are projected from the ceiling to the floor. It is as though we have entered the crossroads of time and space. All the frantic busyness of city life suddenly goes silent and still, and only leaves behind profusion colors that are so splendid and magnificent.
What cannot be missed is the lavatory at Gallery Sun, as it will be utilized as exhibition space for the very first time. Guests who visit the Gallery for the first time should undergo a unique experience. Imagine seeing the projection artwork dynamically displayed before your eyes within the private and liberating space. The unique sensation of combining spiritual confusion and intertwined time and space is the distinctive experience that this exhibition aims to present.